Wednesday, 18 December 2013

A Windy day in London

I don't like the wind.  In fact I hate the wind.

it makes me nervous.  I know it is irrational,  I am not sure where my hate for the wind came about.  I remember living in Stockwell in a large old Victorian house Semi detached I mention the fact it was semi detached which will emphasise how irrational my fear of the wind is. I remember laying in bed working out a way to be safe as the building toppled over.  Yes toppled over like a pack of cards or something.  Well it involved throwing the mattress out of the window and the building fell forward.  ... Thatz it thatz all I had as a plan.  Fortunately as you can see I made it through the night and didn't need to rely on throwing my bedding out of the window.  Anyhow well thatz where it first started I guess.

posted 18/12/13

#301 The Wind

The wind howls
at the window
it rattles the door
the wind makes me scared
I wish the wind was no more
it makes me feel nervous
as if I was a child
why so ferocious
this is my cry
why destroy houses
why blow down trees
is it not enough

to totally frighten me

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