Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Affects of Drugs

Life is hard, life is long if you make the wrong choices.  The temptation is to run away when things get hard, remember wherever you run to you have to at some point come back and face the music.  IT’’S YOUR LIFE!!!! So you cannot actually run away, whatever you do will bring you temporary relief, which may seem a good idea at the time, there are always consequences.  

Life is like Dominoes each part is intricately linked to another it’s about getting the balance right.  Sometimes you will have to go through a little discomfort which at the time may seem  unbearable  but nothing other than death will mean you will come out the other side.  Hopefully having learnt something, if not it’s that ‘Groundhog Day’ all again.

In our society there are way too many people taking, drugs or should I say drugs are taking them. Taking them for a fool, taking them from their friends and family, robbing them of their looks (Yeah the wide eyed space cadet look) just is n’t appealing.  Oh yes let’s not forget robbing them of their money.  How much money you need to spend to achieve that level of Euphoria ?  yes we will call it that, as I understand each time you will need to spend a little more  just trying to achieve that feeling you got from the  first buzz.

Now what you would do to get the money for this ‘Euphoria’.  Will not have no boundary as many women are locked in Prostitution, prison and criminality to achieve this ‘Euphoria’.

As I understand the planet is always turning on its axis therefore we are constantly changing so whatever situation you find yourself in be comforted with the fact whether you like it or not your position in the universe has changed it maybe a minute adjustment but nevertheless it is change.  Change is good! It may just be enough for you to realise it not as bleak as it may have first seemed.

#61 Druggy Chat
I don't do druggy talk
Druggy talk can just walk
All the druggy chat
Is not where I am at

I don’t know what you mean
I have no real idea what is meant by green
I have a vague idea what maybe white
Take your leb, your reefer  and your pipe
Now that you are hooked
You can kiss your life goodbye

No I don’t really want to know how you got here
It's not where you started out that is clear
It's not that I have no compassion
My patients is just on ration
I don't understand the drifting
I am not down with the loafing
Days spent wasting away

If I say 'I love you '
Doesn't mean I condone what you do
I am hoping you understand my love
Your life you are wasting
I want you to understand my frustration
As I had hoped a better existence for you

I don't understand your choices
I accept you hear  voices
I want to reach out
But my inner voice
Wants to scream and shout
Get your Druggy ### out!
Yet Remember 'I will Always Love You!'