Monday, 25 March 2013

The Pressure of Shopping

This Poem was posted 17th February, I thought I would quickly rush into Next and buy something.  I work so near Westfield Shopping centre, whenever, I am at a loose end,  everyone's suggestion is to go shopping.  How sexsist because I am a Woman I must enjoy shopping.  I find it laborious  and a chore.  I find the clothing unimaginative, expensive and often of poor quality ( My father was a tailor ) so the first thing I do with any item is feel the quality of the material.  For example I recently purchased a grey tweed mens jacket 100% Wool, it is fantastic, it keeps me  really warm.  Also paid £14 yes £14 of course it was at  charity shop, I was looking for a waistcoat and I came across it.  Now thats quality, thats a bargain and its for a good cause.

My daughter begrudgingly agreed it was nice although she thought I could Gok Wan it !?  Yes add a large belt.

# 16 A Failure

"I feel such a failure!"
The girl in the next cubicle announced
I knew what she meant
She had tried on several items
Nothing fit right
Some were too big others were too tight
I was having a similar problem
I wanted to shout out
This blouse fits perfectly
But this deceit will have to stop
As this number is wrong
This is not my size
I haven’t come here, to be subjected to these lies
Where is the manager?
I would let him know
That his sizes are wrong
Whoever is writing out these labels
Immediately they will have to go
This cannot enter my home
With its lying tag
So I put the things back on the shelf
My father was a tailor
How difficult can it be?
I am sure I can whip up something myself

Caught in Cross Fire

Thusha Kamaleswaran, Six-Year-Old Girl Shot In Stockwell, 'Just Wants To Dance Again'
I really have nothing I can say, that reflects my true feeling.  It's all been said.  My fear is it will happen again, two years on, what is to stop something like this happening again.

Guns are too readily available on the streets.  Guns do not come with manuals, everyone imagines that they will instinctively know how to shoot, aim and pull that trigger, how many times have we seen it in a movie or in a game?  All looks so easy.

Too easy to end a life!

#51 I Love to dance

Remember me I was that young girl
Who lay lifeless on the floor
As if the life was not in me anymore
My life as I knew it ended

Shot, paralysed what does this mean?
I am five I have only learnt to read
I cannot understand what is going on
What did I do that was so wrong?

I don’t belong to a gang
I ain’t in no beef
What has happened to me
Is beyond belief

They say I will never walk again
Are they talking about me?
They maybe right
Right now all I feel is pain
I look at my Mother’s face
She looks so sad
My father his face is anger
Me I just feel pain

Now two years on
Working every day before I go to school
My muscles are getting strong
I can stand, I can walk
I am going to prove these doctors wrong
What happened to me wasn’t right
I will not give up
I will fight and fight.
Turn all that is wrong right