Friday, 24 May 2013

Time The Healer

Last week I decided in my infinite wisdom to leave my phone on the train.  I had left a phone on a bus 3 days earlier, that was recovered.  Maybe I was testing the honesty of Londoners.  I do remember not being gracious about the fact that the person had picked up the phone , not handed it in to driver (I know who does that). Then after 3 hours and many texts finally answering the phone and a 30 minute journey £10 later I was reunited with my phone.  

This time it is lost I have to accept that and move on.  Yes I had been using it as my notepad, it contained over 100 poems and my other random thoughts.  Unfortunately at least 20 were not published anywhere, and no I didn’t backup and no I don’t have a copy.   Hindsight that wonderful thing after the event ....

Posted fb 25/05/13

#113 Time The Healer

How quickly we forget
Last week I was in turmoil
Over the loss of my phone
Now I sit here without
Without feeling alone

What a difference time makes
It does really heal
Whether it is a numbness
Or an inability to feel

I have moved on
It is all just a vague memory
At the time I thought it was awful
Such a catastrophe.

I hope there have been lessons learned
New pages have been turned
I now look for the reason
I feel that somehow I have got off lightly
That brings an ironic smile to my face

These things we value
Are so easily replaced
Although when loss
We make all that fuss
Now I sit and reason
That I have enough

We Have Come a Long Way

Things we take for granted, we take the fact that we are here for granted,  it all could have been so very different.

posted fb 24/05/13

#110 We Are The Survivors

I am a survivor
let me tell you why
It was all stacked against me
I had to swim to be free
With no eyes I couldn’t see
I am here to proclaim
I am here today
I am the modern miracle
You are the same
We take for granted
Not realising
How difficult it is
To survive with those chances
Yet every time it gets difficult
We are ready to throw the towel in
I never swam all this way
To simply sink and give in
So if you ever question your existence
I am here to say you have been persistent
You are part of the resistance
Every challenge is a gift
Live in the present
Don’t focus on the past
Remember how bleak it all was

In the start

I don't like Travelling

I get so stressed by flying.  I like to do everything by the book.  The first thing I do is turn up extra early.  My biggest fear is being left.

Posted fb 23/05/13
#111 A fine Bottle of Beaujolais

I am like a bottle of expensive wine
I don’t travel well
I like the idea of travelling
As soon as the day arrives
I realise this is my personal hell
First you have to check in
There are codes to remember
You’ve got to get it right
Get it wrong
There is no boarding this flight
Why do planes leave at such ridiculous times?
Some too early, some late at night
Whatever time there always is a long wait
First at the main terminal
Then at the gate
Which is always a long walk away
If I wanted to walk all this way
I would have not booked the plane
Somehow mysteriously we are in our seats
Now the wait while the cabin crew
Carry out all their safety checks, complete
I don’t mind take it off
With so much praying I figure we’ll be alright
The higher we fly the better I feel
Sometimes there is a little turbulence
Then we start to descend
Now I am excited
I can no longer pretend
I step off to foreign land
With my passport and camera in hand
Ready for an adventure
An adventure in a foreign land