Sunday, 12 May 2013

Working with Children

I am a Safety Critical Officer and I love what I do.  I had a very unpleasant shift with two very young members of staff who I was trying to keep safe.  Despite their disoreientated “work plan”.  yes with invereted commas you have to know what you are doing, it is too dangerous an environment to be second guessing and doubling back.  Anyhow after pulling up one of the young apprentices about hands in pocket and the necessicty to walk side by side meaning they would have to cross two current rails to get to the designated place of safety.  I got nothing but whinning which reminded me of my daughter when she was a baby and she was still learning to speak.  

Anyhow I got so angry after one of the children said “The problem with you .....”  No need for me to continue that one.  He obviously got confused and thought he was speaking to one of his mates.

So out of my anger I wrote this poem.

posted fb 09/05/13

#97 Lookout! Pickney at Work
I don't like working with pickney's
Those unruly ill mannered ones
The arrogant ones
That think they know all there is to know
These little children have no idea how far they have to grow
If they knew what I know
Trust me, they wouldn't behave so
Feisty! about they don't mean to offend
I look like size to you?
You must think me and you are friends
I don't like working with pickney's
Please Lawd make this shift end
When they are obnoxious and rude
I want to say "Sit down, wipe your face and finish eat your food!"

Lets Talk About Religion

I was working in Burnt Oak a few weekends ago and I noticed a group of people in their cool blue sweatshirts with some equally cool logo which I couldn’t be bothered to read quite honestly.  Anyhow one of the older men as in about my age approached me and began preaching to me about God well not Got Religion.  Coz  I have no problem with God it is just Religion the restraints and the rules that have people bending over backward to please....Who God... Really....  I am sure you are meant to get on live your life and be respectful of yourself and others and think that just about covers it.   Not all these do’s and dont’s and you are so much better than me because you have been save and you are going to Heaven etc..  Like I said I don’t do religion.  The Religion that has been embraced/handed to the Black and other Ethnic minority groupings seems to be the whole .  ‘Listen to me.  I will read The Bible, then I will tell you what it says’  That made sense when  a, there wasn’t many Bibles around and b, Literacy was poor.  We live in a world where neither of those issues are relevant today well not as much should I say.  yet our relationship with God has not developed into the 21 st Century leaving many vulnerable/Desperate people open for exploitation.  Exploitation of their, money, time and ambition.  etc etc.....

Posted on fb tentatively 10/05/13
#98 Underachieve to Ascend

He said I will be rewarded when I ascended to Heaven
This he couldn't guarantee
He stood before me trying to convince me
We discussed various atrocities
He had to admit defeat
He said I was an ignorant fool
Is this the way to speak to someone
Who apparently you are trying to school

Then something has just occurred to me
I know I have to state it carefully
As it is so easy to Blaspheme

The Meek and the mild will inherit
So what about the confident and bold
I will not put myself forward
I will wait patiently until I am old
If our rewards are waiting for us in Heaven
Are we not tempted to underachieve
All indication seems to be the poor are promised sanctity

I know you don't want to make the connection
As no doubt this would be a sin
I don't want to be the one who makes you begin
To question what it all means
So I will end here
Before you cut me off
And ask me to leave

Too Tired To Sleep

Sleep is so important.  I work early morning and I really should get more sleep.  I was told somewhere everyone has their own personal magic number of hours when it comes to the right amount of sleep that actually need.  5 that’s mine honestly more than this and I feel sluggish less than this and you don’t want to know about it.  

I love the phrase that I heard use in  a film once ‘ I have to take a nap to ge tired’ .  The whole concept I find funny.  I sleep anywhere in any situation I enjoy sleep I think it is that much underrated thing.  It can be a total luxurious moment particularly with freshly laundered sheets.  I love that smell of ‘Fresh Linen’ I can’t get enough of it.

Posted  fb 11/05/13
#99 Too Tired to Sleep
Have you ever been too tired?
Too tired to sleep
Too tired to take your clothes off
To tired to eat
You lay in the bed
Your whole body aches
Please let sleep come
So you can end this day
Not sure how you got here
A missed appointment with your bed
Has you wandering what you was doing instead
Right now its impossible to sleep
Too restless to count sheep
Please please let sleep come to me

The 100th Poem Out of Control Ego

I was asked my opinion on a beautiful poem recently the poem is entitled Naturalisation.  I was completely moved by the way it was written it was beautiful, simple and powerful.  I would normally say I don’t discuss poetry I just write it.  I was happy to share my views in fact I was anxious.  The poem is originally written in German and it is part of a Language /Literacy Degree one of the Station Supervisors I encountered a few weekends ago apparently it was a piece his girlfriend had been set.  She was struggling with it.  Anyhow I gave my view I also stated in my opinion poems very rarely draw attention themselves often giving a voice to others more vulnerable than themselves I say that’s what I  often do.  Anyhow scrap all that my 100th poem posted on Facebook shamelessly was all about MOI !

Posted on fb 12/05/13

#100 Create the Creation

How did I get such a creative mind?
Every opportunity looking for the hook or the line
Poetry is with me everyday
Rhymes and lyrics in every way

Obsession with words has me here
Double entendres flying everywhere
Living with me must be impossible to bare
I hear things that others don't hear

What I lack in concentration
I make up in conversation
I have a mind which recalls words
To most people this sounds absurd

I am fun to be around
Try to remain positive
Never found with my head hanging down
I know this sounds a little impossible

I guess I live in my own world
I am that ever hopeful little girl
Not wanting to grow up
At this age? What is all the fuss

Youthful thoughts while travelling on the bus
Moody is my only fault
Still working on this one
Watch this space of course........