Tuesday, 22 October 2013

That test card girl

Now I am showing my age, I remember being fascinated and mesmerised by the girl who sat in the same position all day long, on the BBC before the days of back to back tv and untold amount of channels.  I wonder what happened to her?  well I don't really, she wasn't that talented, never said anything, never moved.  I could have done that, but somehow they never asked me......

posted fb 23.10.13

#257 That little girl

there used to be a girl
who would never move
she would sit with a blackboard
we thought her kind of rude

we would switch on at all different times
convinced she would say something
or at least come up with a rhyme

now there is a man on the tv through the night
he looks like virgil
who I secretly loved
he looks so perfect
as he spins his wheel

he speaks about different numbers
as if he no longer feels
how far we have come
or maybe we have not
maybe we are going back
or maybe we have stopped

now we switch our tv on for that little girl
she has been replace by a man giving a wheel a twirl

I could write about my mother every day

My mother was a hard working, dignified happy woman.  Who I miss and cherish all my memories dearly.  If you knew her met her consider yourself truly blessed...

posted fb 23/10/13

#258 My Mother’s Grace

My mother was misunderstood
always busying herself
working hard at doing good

early mornings long days
at the end a silent pray
thanking the lord for all she had

however small she was glad
always grateful for his grace
a peaceful soul amongst this rat race

past a long time now
memories I hold onto every day
smile comes to my face

when I remember your ways
how you kept a smile on your face

in this cold bitter place

Letter to the British Museum and the Tower of London

Another poem that runs around in my head.  this has to be performed with a strong Caribbean accent.

posted fb 21/10/13

#256 Give Mi Back My Tings

Give mi back my tings

give mi back my tings
is long long long you have my tings
so give me back my tings

you took them so long ago
you thought I forgot
what you think I don’t know?

give mi back my tings
give mi back my tings
you have taken so much
rubbished it and mocked it
so give mi back my tings

you really have no use for it
you don’t know what half deese tings is
so give mi back my tings
give mi back my tings
I have traveled so far
now I want my tings
I represent my people
the ones who are too feeble
the ones who just don’t care
one day they will thank me
for the challenge I put here

give mi back my tings
give mi back my tings
not leaving till I have my peoples tings!
mi nah leff here till I have mi people tings!