On the 22nd April 2008 There was a tragic accident in Brixton. A Prison van collided with Naomi Benjamin sadly she was crushed and died.
Her friends predominantly the people we see but don’t see on the the streets of Brixton, lay flowers and built a shrine to her. I never met her but her life touched me and haunted me.
posted fb 23/04/13
#71a Should be 81a Brixton belle
How dare they?
Take her from the streets
How dare they?
Kill one so mild and meek
Some say she was a nuisance
So brash and so bold
Now we will never see
Her grow gracefully old
How dare they kill her?
In this brutal way
She was a mother
She was our child
They never expected this outcry
If they hadn’t distorted the news
Brixton would’ve burnt that night.
How dare they?
How dare they?
How dare they?
They should not have killed Naomi
In the begin life was good
It got increasingly hard
Then it became bad
A lonely woman not knowing her worth
A lonely woman not knowing her value on earth
By the grace of God go I
Because it could easily be you or I
They shouldn’t have killed Naomi
In Loving Memory of Naomi Benjamin
For all those who had the pleasure of knowing her
You will be missed Rest in Peace