Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Haunted by Abuse

A friend of mine once confided in me and told me her Grandfather committed suicide he was in his 80’s.  The information troubled and confused me at the time.  So as a creative writer with a very active imagination.  I decided it must have been something he had done in his past that was haunting him.  I could picture him day in day out watching the sunrise and watching the sun fall yet not being contented even though this was his retirement dream (yes I added that bit).

Since that time I have heard of more elderly specifically men committing suicide.  As an abuser what do you do with your thoughts?  there has to be a time however warped and twisted you maybe when it suddenly snaps as to how Vile you really are.

Posted Fb 17/04/13
#75 What Happens to Abusers?
What happens to abusers
I really don't know
Do they wake up one day
And just say I have to go
Do they suddenly stop abusing
Realise the lives they were using
Do they rock on the verandah
Watching the sunset
Each and every day filled with regret
Do they get buried in a special section
Or do they get cremated to quicken their descent to Hell?

Sophisticated Bullies

Bullying at any stage of life is can be soul destroying.  As an adult we experience bullying at work, often feel helpless, somehow under the impression that this behaviour only happens at school.   We know it doesn’t yet it is so difficult to articulate when you are experiencing.  I know I have been bullied or coerced into making a decision at work.  I look back and I can’t even explain how it was done, but i know it was n’t a decision I made freely.  Something about conforming and that desire to be accepted.  

I wrote this poem in response to  a situation that I feel I had advised my daughter about.  When bullying in school happens we always expect it to be physical and involve some threat and money extortion scenario.  Well not always Bullies are more sophisticated these days relying on subtle objecting to everything you say, talking over you, copying your work and pulling people you are playing with to play another game that you are not invited to play.  Either way it is nice and it hurts.

Posted fb 16/04/13
#74 Why You Hit Me?
Why you hit me
I will never know
Is it my presence that angers you so?
I know from time you have been gunning for me
My Mother said 'Ignore' and let you be
Now all the mean words
And the off key behaviour
Me ignoring you
Has somehow made you braver
Did you think I would not tell?
While you continue bullying me
Putting me through this Hell
I don't know what's going on at home
Maybe if you were nicer
You wouldn't feel isolated or alone
I am not here to analyse
I am just getting on being a child
All I know is:
You hit me and you made me cry
For that you will pay
I will gain no pleasure or smile
When they punish you
Send you on your way
Let you know that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated from you
The hit that you gave me brought tears to my eyes
The distorted World you live in is made up of lies
Are you that twisted you just want to see me cry?