My Daughter and a few of her friends are currently looking for work.. This situation breaks my heart. They done it the right way. Stayed at school, went to college then University got Degrees and now almost 3 years on they are in most instances waiting for that Break. You know the one where you get a decent job paying decent money with security and bs would be nice . Where did it all go wrong? I feel that we have let them down. There is something we have failed to do. Now I think it is too late and they are on their own and they have to make it happen.
There aren’t any jobs out there, there are just many ads for jobs that don’t exist and Agencies and Employers exploiting the lucrative market.
Posted 27/04/13
#85 Looking for a Job
I am looking for a job
Something I can do
Which pays lots of money
And the hours are good too
I don't want to travel
Can't be doing with that fuss
Something that allows me a lot of spare time
To concentrate on us
I would apply
But I know what they will say
Say they are not hiring today
I will get despondent
Start believing there lies
Then I will stop getting out of bed
I won't even try
So about that job
With the great money and the fab hours
What? it doesn't exsit
Now isn't that surprising
I guess I will be staying on this list