Saturday, 23 March 2013

Another way to Communicate Pleeeeze!

Photo: JAMAICAN 'TEXTING' SLANG ACRONYMS-because there are only so many characters on Twitter and SMS msgs.  Do you use text acronyms?

Now I know

I am absolutely hopeless at texting, in fact ownership of a phone is totally wasted on me, as anyone who tries to contact me knows.  Firstly I have a overly cool ring tone which means when it rings myself and my daughter normally start dancing, then before you know it I've missed the call.  Now texting don't get me started I have sent texts to the wrong person on too many occasions to mention.  
My newest phone has that predictor on it, I have had it on for over three months I still don't know if it helps or hinder.  I use to send texts to colleagues at works with all the texting short acronyms.  They would just say "Oh that's Jenny again" I would be like "Whatevs!" 

I find that in texts you spend so long trying to get the tone right that you often don't say what you meant to say, also using a cross between formal English and slang, just gets confusing,

I posted this poem on FB 18th March

#45 I have had it with Texting
I am tired of texting
I am tired of the predictor predicting 
and getting it wrong
It needs to switch off 
Mind it’s on business
Let me spell things wrong
I have had enough of whatsapps
With all its online tracking
It makes me paranoid
Even though there is nothing going on
Blackberry with it’s constant pinging
Everyone has chosen the classic ringing
Which is kind of disturbing
All longing for times gone by
We send an instant message
Then wait for an instant reply
This is the new way of communicating
No more talking
No more waiting
We respond in an instant
Without thinking
Texting things we would never normally say
Not realising these texts are leaving a permanent trace
Texting things you would never say face to face

Rhianna I Applaud you 13th Richest Black Woman 2013

You Go Girl!

I had to write this, I have watched many young girls enter the RnB scene, to come out with a one off hit then just disappear I expected this would be the same for Rhianna, (Don't tell me you didn't think this too). Well she has lasted the test of time and is just getting better and richer she now currently stands in pole position of #13 amongst The World's Richest Black Women 2013 ( As published in PRIDE Magazine March 2013 edition) Now for a 25 year old that is pretty impressive.

I posted this poem on FB 22 March 2013

#49 Shine Bright Like a Diamond

From the Small Island you have done well
How you got here you will never tell
Your career path has been mapped out for you
With guidance of management you will do
Whatever they ask of you
With your racy shoots
Which actually I approve
With endless tweets
Of various intimate parts of you
Once again career moves
We are the ones that are the Pru’s
You are known by one name
Like Beyonce, Adele and Madonna
Will you live on with honour?
So many girls have walked this path
They are not around
They did not last
Rhianna I salute you
I salute you from the heart
In the early days with
‘Umbrella,’ and ‘Mr DJ Turn the Music up’
I foolishly thought you wouldn't last
With vocalist training
Socialising day and night
I am here to say
You ‘Shine Bright Like a Diamond!’

What is happening to your high street?

This poem was posted the 25th February 2013 FB

Look It is a problem and it is a real phenomena . It's like our local high streets are turning against us. Trust me it is only going to get worse.

No I don't have the answers, maybe after reading this you may have a few suggestions, let me know

#24 Your High Street

Take a walk along a high street
My how its changed
No woolworths
No Jessops
No Adams
I think you get my jist
The shops we have lost is on an endless list
These high streets no longer serve the community
There is something going on much sinister than this
There are discount stores, selling things you don’t need
You buy coz you are addicted and need to feed your greed
But its only a pound you reason
Or 99p and what can you do with that?
Apparently you can collect all your pennies
Go down to William, Ladbroke, Paddy or betfred
And place a penny bet
1 p , 1p what can you do with that?
Well in every high street up and down
That 1p soon becomes a big fat pound
After you have spent all your money you can
Stop for a bite to eat
There’s, KFC, Country Chicken, Best Fried Chicken
Morleys, Greggs and Subway
I think you see where I'm going
This is how you can spend your day
Spending money you just don’t have
Coming home with bags and bags
Of rot that didn't cost a lot
When everything is spent there is always
Cash Converter, Gadget Exchange,
Pawnbrokers or the simple Money Shop?
No that's not where you buy money
That's where you give all you have got
There are logbook loans, pay day cheques
It all ends in the same way
You will pay and pay
To the end of your days
So next time you are bored
And thinking of taking a stroll
Don’t go down your high street
Don’t go there No not at all!

My daughter's Poem about J.Ivy

This is probably where my challenge started,  I was listening to my music on phone (Where else).  Then I fell back in love with the Kanye west track featuring Jay Z

and J. Ivy.  After a few clicks on the internet I found out some much about him, then contacted him, honest just like that, that’s the beauty of the internet.  I will let my daughter tell the story in her poem, coz that’s how it happened

#7 My mum is friends with J.Ivy
It only happened yesterday
Today is another day
My mum put on her facebook account “hello J.Ivy”
Then sent him a poem
He liked the poem very much
He said we really must keep in touch
The next day my mum checked her account
J.Ivy said “hello Jennifer”
We really must go out
“Can you say hello to your daughter for me please?”
In the morning my mum said “hello”
I was wondering what she was getting at
She explained,
Then it made more sense
Now I’m guessing her next wish would be to meet J.Ivy

Name: Riyana
Age: 8


Falling out of Love

Although I profess to be a LoveJunkie (addicted to Love) in all forms.  Love of my people and Love of a Good Man. Love of food, I have to include this, I am passionate about food.  

I seem to have an preoccupation with the ending of relationship.  That’s the thing, if you are a LoveJunkie this is almost an occupational hazard.  

I don’t look at it as an end, just a new beginning of loneliness.  Hmm !

Love Don't Live Here Anymore

Its not that I don’t love you
Its just that I have to go
Its taken me all these years to realise
That love doesn’t live here no more

With that he was gone
Bags prepacked he headed for the door
A lifetime passed by standing motionless
Waiting for an explanation
A second opinion on what you had just witnessed
Confirmation that it was for real
And that you weren’t coming back no more

Tears stinging your eyes
Threatening to stain your face
Really what was the tears about
It wasn’t a conventional breakup
No adultery no affair
No screaming and shouting
And getting it off your chest
Just a one sided discussion
Something you can’t ignore
The final show of arrogance
Before you headed through the door

Clearly you had thought this out
Convinced that you are sure
To end the existence of you and us
To banish me to a place of no return
Where broken hearts go to yearn
Although we both went into this
Only one of has gone through the door
Confirming, Love Don’t live here anymore!

Its a Glitch

After only eight days of starting my challenge, a colleague at work encouraged me to contact the work magazine and see if they would be interested in posting some of my work, it was about safety and working on the track (Do you know how hard it is to get things to rhyme with safety and track?) OK it isn’t that hard.  

Well initially there was the buzz of excitement and I was like I should have been writing poems about safety and London Underground all along.  I was so excited, anyhow because of some technical issues they were unable to use me in their precious training project! Bitter ? no not really, coz all I done was write this poem and now every now and then, someone random person at works goes “Ahh ! you are that Poet!?” to which I say “Yes, yes I am!” So watch this Space !

posted 7th February 2013 FB

#8 Its a glitch

How is it one set back knocks you back?
I ’ve been to dizzy heights.
I 've seen Blackpool  illumination and been on fairground rides
One ounce of disappointment
Weighs so dear, has you questioning
What you have done and how did you get here?
Pick yourself up, dust yourself down
Survey where you have been
Vow to not do those things that have left you in a spin
But if we never tried anything, never put yourself out
You would remain in this spot never venturing out
So despite the current situation lets just call it a glitch
I regret nothing and will do it all again

Mama Loves yuh !

All the senseless killings in our community.  I have a problem with that.  I remember hearing of a shooting over twenty years ago in Brixton, when gun crime in our community was unheard of, now we have become immune to it.  

Someone once said to me “They have nothing, so they die for nothing!”

Right there I have a problem with that, we need to show them that they have way more then they think.  They have my Love and belief that better days will come for them, if only they could pause a while and see the pain and destruction they are causing.

I use to get so hung up about the reports, always looking for a link, ( bad boy, gang related, drug related, feud) or anything.  My fear has always been the whole randomness of it all and getting caught in the crossfire.  Well that seems to be happening more and more.  I will write about this again, and no doubt I will update this page again.  This subject and my views on it will never be exhausted, I want to know everything about it and why these senseless killings are still going on.

Here’s a poem I posted on the 28th February  on FB

#27 Postal Wars

You are expected to defend your home
When your home are on the streets
That's an alliance that you cannot beat
When you are protecting a zone
That does n’t even belong to you
You can refer to it as Your Manner
Claim those who originate from there
Have a certain swagger
But you would be lying
They have nothing
That distinguishes them from any other
So they claim the streets as they’re own
Cordoning off imaginery zones
You cant go there
We dont know you
You will be slewed
Have you been invited in?
Is there someone you know here?
They roam around in packs
Waiting for the next attack
They've got a reputation to uphold
You cant have any and any man walking through your zone
That's a major disrespect you know
An as-semblance of family life
They are all looking for Dad
Someone to watch out for them
Give them what they never had
The loyalty runs deep
Secrets you take to jail
You roam the streets
As you are unable to sleep
With these secrets you have to keep
Yes a few innocents will get caught up along the way
No one is innocent
Belonging to a gang
Is the only way
Pledge your allegiance
Pledge it today
We can protect you
Then you can go on your way