posted fb 21/11/13
#288 Momma gonna whoop your behind
You watched us sail out to sea
never to return
now you find us
there is scorn
and disdain
you sold us
you made us this way
what we have been through
you could never do
they took everything
stripped us
we still long for home
when we see what you have done
when we see what Africa has become
has it all been in vain
all I know is
momma gonna whoop your behind!
you have spent your time
in cahoots with the west
they don’t have your interest at heart
they educated you in their ways
this is what you have learnt
they give you guns
to fight their wars
to keep you occupied
you invade those that don’t have
you rape you pillage you mane
momma gonna whoop your backside!
the corruption runs deep
the things you honour
are the things you reap
you let them steal from the coffers
until it is dry
trust me
momma gonna whoop your behind!