We need to break the silence and the fear that many children find themselves in keeping secrets that should not be kept, we need to create a platform where children can come and speak without fear of judgement, blame or shame. Right now as I type this and by the time it is read many more awful atrocities will be carried out by family members, so called friends towards the young and the vulnerable. Let us not forget those we hold in high esteem, who abuse their authority. Children are a gift from the creator, they should be cherished. My Father always says “A Child does not ask to be born”...
#25 Us
When you said you didn't want to go
I thought you just wanted to spoil my fun
I didn't understand
Thought you were being a drama queen
When I look back oh how I was so mean
What I don't understand was that he was always good to us
If I had a chance to go by myself
I would take it as mum's new man clearly doesn't like us
Mum said he liked young girls
We thought that was big people talk
Of which we have been instructed
Not to come between
But you are his daughter and I am his son
But as they say blood is thicker then water
Sorry for not realising, I could always see something in your eyes
It was the one thing we never shared
Now I understand why
I stand over a Man I once loved and respected
As the knife in my hand is dripping crimson red
I have no regrets
You remain my little annoying sister
I am here to protect
This I was told from the start
Yes I wanted a little brother
But once you came you took my heart
I want to hold you and tell you it will be alright
In time the nightmares will stop
I prayer you will grow to forgive
Then you can heal and learn again how to trust.
Remember my little sister there will always be us!
I just thought I would say
There is way too many deaths of young black men in our community. There are way too many unsolved murders amongst young black men. There is large amount of unemployment amongst our young black men. There are way too many young black boys being expelled from schools, colleges and places of learning. There are a high number of young men being brought up in single parent households. There have been many closures of youth clubs and recreational parks and halls across all London Boroughs, There is a large group of young black men who have nothing to do with their time.
There are many guns within many of the underprivileged areas. There is a high number of young black men selling or taking drugs. There is a high number of young black men who are in prison.
There are a high number of young black men whom despite all these negative issues are holding down jobs, are obtaining good degrees, are becoming good fathers.......I just thought I would say..........
Posted 24th February
#23 Last Smile
The picture of a proud mother
Her hand placed gently on his shoulder
Him smiling in that 'I really should be embarrassed at my age to be skinning my teeth like this'
But Mum's so happy I will give my street cred a miss
They share the same smile
They share the same goals
Some wicked person, who? We just don't know
Has taken him from his loving Mother
Ended his life
Terminated his dreams
That picture captured them so well smiling
Because no one knows what the future holds
Cherish our children grow them well
There is nothing that can prepare you for this type of hell.
The taking of another life it is not correct it's not right
Daily on our screen this phenomena is clouding our dreams.
Make it stop! Make it stop!
No more of our young men taken down in their prime
Its like a culling of the next generation
Where only the ruthless heartless and troubled will survive.
This Poem was posted 23rd February, I wrote this poem for no other reason, than it needed to be written. I need to let everyone who wasn't there at the time know what were going through. The response I got after posting this poem confirmed to me the type of poetry I need to be producing. I would like to be considered as a Griot a storyteller that’s what I do. I tell the stories that time has forgotten. I like to give those too weak a voice.
Marlon Kush Palmer picked it up and posted it on his timeline, to which I am so grateful, as the comments and response was so encouraging.
Linton Kwesi Johnson I should say The Great Linton Kwesi Johnson, I have met him on several occasions, he is dignified distinctive no one wears a trilby like him, so very hard working. I remember when I was starting out and sending him some poetry. He looked it over as I remember he was favourable and encouraging.
His tireless campaigning and work towards raising everyone’s awareness of this tragedy will always put him in high esteem with me.
#22 The New Cross Fire
The fire took hold in a lower room.
Fire always climbs and rises to the top
So the party goers had no chance of escape
Just like that one by one they dropped
There are tales of breaking glass
No one can confirm what came first
Was the fire started from outside or in?
The fire took hold it blazed and blazed
What could be saved were saved
The news spread fast, we organised quickly
We marched and marched
Linton kwesi Johnson was instrumental
He became the voice of those who suffered in this blaze
Enquiry after enquiry
Still no closer to what happened that night
There was some family issues, some family in fight
When will the lies die?
Who has to die before these lies stop breathing life?
That night when 13 / 14 died
In my heart it still cries and cries
New Cross Fire Click on For More Info
I posted this poem on the 21st February. While I was writing it and each line was coming, I could just feel the excitement, by the time I had finished I was all tingly. If you write you will know what I mean.
#21 Let ME RAVE!
I want to to rave, I want to rave
I want to queue in line shivering without my coat
I want to get branded as a party girl
I want to wait wait wait at the bar
I want to look in men’s faces
Just to give them screw faces
When I say NO! they just won’t do
I want to rave and be pressed against the wall
I want to squeeze along the hall
I want to feel that party rush
I want to feel that party crush
I want to dance till my feet hurt
I want to dance two step while you do one
I want to do my own thing in that ring
I want to sing along to songs I’ve never heard
Look in your face confidently so you never knew
I want to drink Rum and Black, Bacardi and Malibu
Never never caught with a can of Special Brew
I want to look in DJ’s faces
As they put records through their paces
And get hypnotised by the spinning discs
I want to lick wood
I want lick shot
Be confident no shot a comeback
Oh how I long for those days
I want a random man to take my hand
And build a spliff or two
I always wanted to dust my hand when he was through
That would be funny but that I could never do
I want to rave like back in the days
In places that weren’t safe
Step on a foot and you might get a right hook
Well that was the pill
I wanna rave when the only drug
Is laughter and dances to the happy after
Party that no one quite knew where it would be
I wanna rave I wanna rave
I never thought I would crave those days
When raving was all I would do
You went from one party, to another, to another
Jumped in cars with people you never knew
I want to step out to sunlight
I want to flinch like a vampire
As I try and workout what is this bright fire
I want to sit on an early morning bus
Meet people going to church Wearing my party dress with shoes in my hand
How I long for those days
Let me rave!
Let me rave!
Let me rave!
No raving for you darling
Sit down eat your stew
No raving here in the residential home
Now that I am 92
Let me rave
Let me rave
Let me rave
This was posted 19th February, this has got to be one of my most opinionated poems. I am seriously concerned with the amount we are spending on items of clothing. I remember when I was younger and I was going out probably once a week, to a house party or a club. I would regularly rave with the same group of girls, the week leading up to the night out, would be punctuated with long conversations of what they were going to wear, and where they have seen it and how much it would set them back but of course “THEY JUST HAD TO HAVE IT”. My friend Celia would go on at me as I wouldn't get involved in these conversations, I was a single parent working and barely making ends meet. I went out to relieve the boredom .
I had a black dress maybe two, I could wear it just above my knee or a little higher up the thigh, it was some sort of lycra material (you remember lycra) I Luv Lycra! I could pull the shoulders down so it could be worn provocatively off the shoulders. One black dress many tricks .
Now that's the kinda thing I can spend money on. I believe I am sensible with money. I remember being taught in Latin about Mensils hiearchy of needs.
Basically most things in life are wants and desires, there are only three needs
Need 1- Food
Need 2- shelter
Need 3 - More Money???
I will explain the last one. Only when you have had money and spent it do you know the value of it, so from then on your need is to acquire more money.
Everything else is a want.
There is no need to have in excess of lets say maybe 8 pairs of shoes in the case of my colleagues who demonstrated this
2 pairs of shoes (1 black , 1 brown)
2 pairs of boots (1 black, 1 brown)
2 pairs of trainers
1 pair of crocs
yes I know it makes 7. I never said maths was my strong point
in contrast his wife owned 57 pairs of shoes, which the ruthless reduced to 32 as she was able to put in a strong argument as to why that or this particular shoe should stay. 32 was still alot we both agreed.
#18 Spending Frenzy
Spending has got out of control
Spending money you simply don’t own
Its ok, you will put on the card
How long can you keep up with this facade?
How many items do you need?
Three trousers, two skirts
1 suit 2 dresses a good pair of jeans
Something for the summer when it comes
A decent shirt that does all the way up
That should be enough
Everything else you could do without
I’ve never understood the fascination with shoes
Ladies this is directed to you
Really don’t mean to be rude
As for the handbags the teenie tiny
And the grand
Another fascination I don’t understand
You are not Hilary Banks
She was fictional and so was her Dad
I’ve examined my anatomy
I can report quite happily
I only have two feet
So truckloads of shoes in the cupboard
Under the bed, even in the garden shed
There are far better things
To spend your money on instead
I’ve looked around I am here to report
Your shopping habits needs to be retaught
This crazy spending has to stop
Next time you get some money
You may as well give it to me
Or just burn the lot
Look at what you’ve accumulated
Add up all that you have got.....
Yes! Shocking isn’t it?
The total spend will make you drop
You could be living in a better house
Or cruising on your very own yacht
Educated your children
Then they would get a chance
To become what you had not
I understand the pull
And how they lure you in
We are seduced by the language
They get you in a spin
They’ve got you by the throat
You need to say
Let me go! let me go!
Or you will be spending in you box!
This Poem was posted 17th February, I thought I would quickly rush into Next and buy something. I work so near Westfield Shopping centre, whenever, I am at a loose end, everyone's suggestion is to go shopping. How sexists because I am a Woman I must enjoy shopping. I find it laborious and a chore. I find the clothing unimaginative, expensive and often of poor quality ( My father was a tailor ) so the first thing I do with any item is feel the quality of the material. For example I recently purchased a grey tweed men's jacket 100% Wool, it is fantastic, it keeps me really warm. Also paid £14 yes £14 of course it was at charity shop, I was looking for a waistcoat and I came across it. Now that's quality, that's a bargain and its for a good cause.
My daughter begrudgingly agreed it was nice although she thought I should Gok Wan it!? Yes add a large belt!?
# 16 A FailureI feel such a failureThe girl in the next cubicle announcedI knew what she meantShe had tried on several items Nothing fit rightSome were too big others were too tightI was having a similar problem I wanted to shout outThis blouse fits perfectly But this deceit will have to stopAs this number is wrongThis is not my sizeI haven’t come here, to be subjected to these liesWhere is the manager?I would let him know That his sizes are wrongWhoever is writing out these labelsImmediately they will have to goThis cannot enter my homeWith its lying tagSo I put the things back on the shelfMy father was a taylorHow difficult can it be?I am sure I can whip up something myself