Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Libraries What's That?

The situation across many of the Boroughs are that many of the libraries are being closed.  Yes we do have many other means of reading information.  I still feel there is a need for them, it’s a place where the community of all ages can get together and share their love of books. I use to live near Streatham Library, they had a wonderful Mothers and Toddler club the demand for it was huge, it meant getting up early and getting the little one ready. This was a challenge but it was always worth it.

posted fb 14/03/13

#41 Libraries Outlawed
Libraries are where books live
Where late at night
They run around and consult
They discuss their titles
They discuss their middles
Discuss their ends
Discuss there twist
Sit down with friends
They've even started a book club
Where they review the people who come in
The very small with their sticky hands
The one that have no idea
What a book is and why they are here
Some put it in there mouth
I guess they want to digest what it is they are reading about
So now the proposal is going around
These libraries are being outlawed
Seized,destroyed, shut down
wherever they are found
As if books was an illicit drug
We must be all addicts coz it makes me feel sick
Knowing what they have planned
It is a place where minds are transformed
So now the libraries are under threat
If we don't do something now
This we will live to regret

The Joy of Dancing

I spent Thursday evening at dance Festival organised by the local primary schools in Havering.  It was divided in two halfs, so we had to endure a lot of repetition.  I waited for my daughter’s school to come on all though I am sure I had been treated to the whole routine several times in the kitchen.

The standard throughout was much the same (which was high).  Then a group of children came on, we noticed that there were a few more boys and in comparison to the other groups they were smaller.  Also the wonderful helpers stayed on stage throughout to work and encourage two boys who were finding just being on stage very challenging.  

After a while we understood, this particular group of children were from a Special Needs School, I am glad they didn’t introduce them as this.  Their contribution, enthusiasm and general performance was inspiring and enjoyable.  

#50 I am a Believer

The dance festival went on and on
They bopped along to Lion King
Elvis, Mama Mia, Moulin Rouge
Now that was just wrong
Everyone tried their very best
To stay in time and remember all the steps
Then a group came on all shapes and sizes
Two girls in green tutus they were full of surprises
We watched and watched as two boys
Just gazed upwards to the stars
The helpers stayed on stage
They needed to assist
As some stood still others gyrated and twist
They were all over the place
One boy we thought would never get his groove
As the song came to an end
He suddenly  began to move
First a few little steps then a big jump
The chorus line sang out
“I am a believer!”
This is true
I am a believer
I am a believer in you
He dance and danced
I felt the tears
I cried as per usual, as I normally do
When I see a production of
A dream come true
I am believer
We can make a difference
Some read, some write and dance too.

Dot Cotton My Idle in Love

This poem was posted on Valentines day.  I wanted to talk about real love.  Not the whisk you of your feet love, which gets so much publicity.  How about the quiet love which when you encounter it is truly magical.  This is what happened for Dot in Eastenders (I know she's a fictional character).  Dot spent many years on the square with no love interest, she had an awful husband and a wicked son.  No one to lookout for her and love her, then Jim Branning came along and it was magical.  I would joke there is hope for me yet.

Have I met my Jim Branning????

#14 Everlasting Love

How could it happen?
At my age I should know better
You were not my first love,
I pray you will be my last.
As I entered a new stage
Scared to love after all that had been
Many years standing waiting at Loves door
I am like a trapped animal
I have been caught in this Love cage
They say it was wrong
We say it’s so right  
As we made love through the night
Now time has past
Where are all those people?
Who said it would never last
We have proved them wrong
As we sit on this verandah watching the sun go down
Humming our own love song
The children are all grown and flown the nest
We’ve entered quieter times
I have to confess I prefer this best
You still make me smile
Even though my teeth remain in a glass
During the night
And when I need to eat
You were my toy boy
You are now the one that keeps me alive
Me at 90 you at 85
Occasionally I catch you staring and smiling at me
Not sure if it’s the cataracts I must look a mess
Surely you are tired of looking at this weathered face
My hair is thinning
Whatever I do it looks a frightful mess
Even though time has moved on
I am grateful for the times we had
Some rocky some not so bad
But we made it
Here we are
Memory slipping
Eyesight failing

Some things
I hear some I just assume
Every day seems to bring a new complaint
It doesn’t matter
As we have each other
I care for you dearly
I now know you have been sent from above
After all these years
You are still my everlasting love