Thursday, 7 March 2013

No Service at the Checkout till

I am actually finding it difficult to decide which poem to upload onto fb each day.  I am producing on average 2 ½ poems a day.  I have always known that I am opinionated but this is really coming out in my poem.  I have written a poem about online games, which I believe are addictive.  There was a sad news article of a woman who had recently been widowed and fell into a depression whereby all she would do is play a particular game strategy comeback games.  The situation was so bad they had to remove her children as she was neglecting them and it turned out that she would remain on the computer for over 24 hours in  a sitting.  I cant get my head around this.  I simply love my sleep, if I am forced to stay up I will simply fall asleep.  I have slept through Mulan (Which incidentally I have seen three and a half times at the cinema).  I have also slept through American Gangster, I am not proud I just love my sleep.  don't let any cartoon or the Great Denzel stand between me and my sleep.

Back to these games I remember working a 12 hour shift with a colleague of mine who announced at about 8 hours into the shift he was anxious to return home as he had some tomatoes he needed to water.  It was the middle of winter and he didn't strike me as an allotment owner .  

He went on to explain it was an online farming game, whereby you form a community and each person gets an opportunity to water each others plants then you get awarded with different types of vegetables and fruits.  By this time my eyes are completely glazed in disbelief, I thought he is having me on.  Well he wasn't, I was just thinking looney and I could sleep right about now.
Well I have noticed that on Facebook there are so many people inviting you to play a game of some sort, or are letting you know their best score I want to scream get a life.  

Candy Crush saga you are getting an array of people who are playing this game, announcing their scores then inviting me to play.  I am like why??

Granted I haven't visited these game sites and to date have never played any online game, maybe I am scared of becoming addicted,  if I do visit any of these sites  you will be  the first to know.

I am a LoveJunkie after all.

The poem I posted today was

#34 No Service Checkout
She looked at it with despise
I came over to pack my bags
That thing is like a demon
We agreed
It's not polite, it's not patient
In fact it's rather rude
When you come to buy your food
That's all you are expected to do
No how is it going? No how de do?
The voice is always scolding you
About some crime you have committed
You freeze can't think straight
Then when you have finished collected your; change ,bags and receipt
It dispenses with you so quickly
You have to admit defeat.
That item you forgot, there's no running out of line
You have to complete your transaction
no doubt you would be fined for committing some illegal interaction.

This was after a recent experience at the local Tesco's just after I had finished using the self service till, I rushed over to the bench to pack my bags, or I should say repack my bags, as myself and another shopper agreed we always felt quite rush by the persistent voice hurrying you along, reminding you to put things in bags, or my favourite one 'unexpected item in bagging area' . No not that unexpected it is only a bag, granted not one of theirs bur yours it takes forever for it to handle the fact you have brought your own bag!  Which they encourage you to do, when you do it has a hissy fit