Sunday, 29 December 2013

Floods for Christmas

posted fb 29/12/13

#313 Christmas Joy

After shopping frantically
buying all you could
some presents spot on
some not that good

all wrapped under a tree
suddenly they look tantalising
and appealing
anticipation cannot be contained

as this year there was no snow
just storms and rain
so the floods started
the power got cut

this was the worst Christmas for some of us
as the water rose
presents got spoilt
they lost the Christmas joy

pictures do lie

posted fb 29/12/13

#314 I should be happy

I should be happy
but I am not
I’ve seen your picture
I don’t feel excitement
I think they’ve lost the plot
as they like like like
I guess they like a lot
I just think they truly
don’t know the true you
all that glitters
cannot be gold
because you glitter
and shine
I can safely say
you really are not that good

if the truth be told

Confused and twisted

posted fb 29/12/13

#312 Twisted

We got it twisted
as we enter New Year
looking back
has me full of fear

as we queue and fight
for trainers
because a celebrity

who has lost sight
of what it was all about
when he failed
to make the grade

we let down our son
we let him down
as we witnessed
justice on the run

did we do enough
proving how motivated
we can be
with celebrities overrated

every moment of their day
as we struggle
struggle to make it

Thursday, 26 December 2013

My personal experience at the office

This is my experience of quite a few offices

posted fb 27/12/13

#301 At the office

At the office
is where they said
it would happen
I was excited
I was waiting for it
whatever it was
they would huddle around
the water cooler
in groups
then when I walked pass
out of respect
I wrongly assumed
silence would fall
this happened a few times
after a while
I stopped noticing
for fear
for fear they would say I was paranoid
or maybe they would conclude
conclude I had a chip on my shoulder
I never accepted their oh so sincere
invites to the pub
they barely spoke to me at the office
so why should we continue this outside
on my time.
at the office that’s where
they said it would happen
it never happened for me

did it happen for you?

Monday, 23 December 2013

Silence Please !

posted fb 23/12/13

#304 Silence

Whenever I ask for silence
that’s something I never get
after the commotion that ensues
I begin to regret my request
suddenly everything has something to say
things that just can’t wait
buzz buzz buzz words formulate
silence is in the distance
now the time has passed
it is all too late

Another storm in London Town

Another storm in London Town

posted fb 23/12/13

#305 Lockdown

I woke up this morning
in the middle of the storm
it wasn’t usual
it was not the norm
I had no idea what to do
my house seemed inadequate
not robust
the wind was howling
it was quite a fuss
when would it stop
I wanted to know
when could I leave
this place I call home

Leave Me Alone

posted fb 23/12/13

#307 A Lone African warrior

I think I have upset them
with what I have had to say
I am a single woman
I have to speak out
I chose to do it this way
I have beaten drums
in protest
I have marched on your streets
listen to my cry
do you hear that African beat?
I am a lone African Warrior
this I cannot deny
when I look at what atrocities we go through
I can’t sit in silence
that’s not what I am here to do
now they are going through my business
with a fine tooth comb
I know it’s too late
too late to say
I wish they would ‘LEAVE ME ALONE!’
what was I doing
watching what I spend
meanwhile there is millions being wasted
on things they chose to defend
now I am just an individual
I am feeling the strain
I am on this planet

I am taking all this pain

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

An Uprising

posted fb 18/12/13
#303 An Uprising

There is an uprising
I feel it now
this cannot continue
we really must try

everyone is walking
as if they are dead
heads are heavy
feet like lead
there is no hope
no getting out

I am waiting for the uprising
I am waiting for the cry
right now I am ready
no longer standing by
time for an uprising
the time is right now
nothing to lose
other than time

how long can we wait
for our share of the cake
they continue with their status quo

of take, take, take

South London Palais New Club

New Club in South London/ Sarf London

posted fb 18/12/13

#301 New club in South London

There is a new club in South London
what does it mean ?
the man dem have got together
to fulfill their dreams
I wish them well
I just hope they aren’t relying on me
to frequent and rave
and behave scandalously

I have hung up my dress
kicked off my shoes
I am  suffering from the effects
of these South London club blues
I have a good feeling on this one
I think it will be a  great place
where there  will be a lot of fun

I will shrug off the memories
of the clubs that have gone
take my chance
maybe in the new year
holding a champagne glass
they will see me

as I rekindle my raving past

Another Teenager is killed

I wrote this poem over two years ago.  It is one of 3 poems I wrote.  I was so pleased with the poems I remember sharing it with whoever I would listen.  It got a good response.  I had an idea about going around schools and sharing my poem, hoping to inform the youth of the consequences of taking someone's life.

posted 13/12/13

#296 Here my side of the story

There is a taste in my mouth
it makes me kinda sick
everything I do
brings me no comfort
I am trying to make amends
no one will understand
the predicament I am in
there is my side of the story
that will go untold
you wasn’t there
and true you don’t know

there was nothing I could do
to prevent what happened
I see his family and his friends
their lives have been shattered
to me he was just a little prick
a nuisance, surplus, fodder
turns out
he was much loved
a decent friend
a family member
a brother
don’t judge me
coz you weren’t there
and you can’t be sure
you would have done the same
I will spend the rest of my days
reliving every minute
before during and after
I am not no hero not no martyr
just a kid from the block
who got hold of a gun
the rest as they say is history
itz all over

itz done

A Windy day in London

I don't like the wind.  In fact I hate the wind.

it makes me nervous.  I know it is irrational,  I am not sure where my hate for the wind came about.  I remember living in Stockwell in a large old Victorian house Semi detached I mention the fact it was semi detached which will emphasise how irrational my fear of the wind is. I remember laying in bed working out a way to be safe as the building toppled over.  Yes toppled over like a pack of cards or something.  Well it involved throwing the mattress out of the window and the building fell forward.  ... Thatz it thatz all I had as a plan.  Fortunately as you can see I made it through the night and didn't need to rely on throwing my bedding out of the window.  Anyhow well thatz where it first started I guess.

posted 18/12/13

#301 The Wind

The wind howls
at the window
it rattles the door
the wind makes me scared
I wish the wind was no more
it makes me feel nervous
as if I was a child
why so ferocious
this is my cry
why destroy houses
why blow down trees
is it not enough

to totally frighten me

Time alone

posted fb 18/12/13

#300 Spending time alone

I have taken to spending time alone
getting to know myself
trying to figure out
why I have been left on the shelf
why I am not working
taking less care of myself
as I ponder these questions
I don’t listen to the replies
the truth is hurtful
I rather the lies
I will delve into the future
forgetting the past
moving on with my life
hoping this time moves fast
time spent alone
is a luxury it seems
you can let go of your history

get in touch with your dreams