Thursday, 2 October 2014

In court today

posted on fb 3rd October 2014

He Told The Judge

he told the judge he was homeless
has he no shame?
his father came with so much less
yet his father found fame

he told the judge he was broke
all his money was spent
everything he had on his back
was borrowed stolen or lent

he told the judge his children did not need a home
they were grown adults now
my how time had flown
he wanted them out right now

he told the judge he has nothing
this was his first words of truth
he has no compassion, no heart
no love for humanity he is completely aloof

he told the judge he would wait for his settlement
this he will have to do
wait and wait and wait
until his waiting days are through

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

I've still got it

posted today on fb

I refuse to let
my pass
plague my future
my present
is where I am
from this day forward
never looking back

Every day
I am evolving
to a
new and improved

I am now
to myself and others
I am now
where I want to be

Friday, 19 September 2014

Scottish Referendum. I am glad they stayed

The Referendum  showed us that there was really a problem, that England had ignored for such a long time.  I am glad the way it turned out, everyone knows where everyone stands, a close call 55 % wanting to be part of The  United as in United Kingdom

Were you going to leave
I know how you feel
when you feel unappreciated
and a grieved
but were you going to leave
couldn’t you just talk it out
not those debates where ministers shout
Scotland you can’t just sail off
and detach
taking your money and your stash
Scotland I can’t believe you were going to leave
I am glad you changed your mind
as I have a holiday booked

to come see you some day

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Writing joy

posted fb

#296 This is where I have fun

I haven’t been around
for a long time
it’s as if I have lost my way
like a child in a playground
suddenly I have forgotten how to play
it should come naturally
as this is what I do
keep things bottled in
then share them just here with you
you keep my secrets
you know my heart
you have been there in the beginning
you were there in the start
I will revisit you
keep coming back
until I am done
this is my way

like a child having fun

Difficult truths

posted fb

#233 Who would believe me?

I don't know where I have been
I don’t know where I need to go
I know  things
that I really shouldn’t know

Where to go from here
if only I could be that bold
to assume I have been spared
to tell the story that should not be told

who would believe me?
they would want proof
they will say I am lying
that I have had a misspent youth

so I continue on
waiting for a time
when my words are be believed
I pray it happens in time

Driving in London

Posted fb Feb 2014

#357  Driving in London

Driving in london is such a trap
there are lines on the ground
directing you go up or maybe down
there are roundabouts you don't go round
one way systems to obey
if you don’t you will have  to pay
there are yellow  boxes you must not enter
then there are boxes of instant fines
you have to wonder what is on Boris’s mind
driving use to be such a thrill
now the bills you accumulate makes you ill
there are cameras that are snappy happy
catching drivers in all kinds of trappies
I use to like driving
I now no longer try
I’ve had to wave my car goodbye
and sit on the bus
start stop start stop

listening to the babies cry

Gambling everywhere

Am I alone? gambling is everywhere

posted fb

#355 Gambling all the time

It’s all around
you can’t run and you can’t hide
it’s everywhere
it’s on our phone on our computers
it follows us inside
which means it must be fine to do
something for nothing
we know this isn’t true
yet we take the bait
when we know we really shouldn’t do
what will you put up?
everything you’ve got
with the chance of getting richer
we have completley lost the plot

I want my Sunday's back

I am not religious but I think Sunday is not the same since the shops are open. A reason or an excuse to get the family together with no excuses of 'I've got to work today'

posted fb

#365 Sunday

I love Sunday
say what you want
it isn’t like any other day

it ends the weekend
it starts the week
it is a day that can’t be beat

whether you spend all morning in bed
waiting patiently to be fed
there is something special about this day
that separates it from other days

some chose to go to church
some spend the day in front of the stove
waiting for the family to sit down
to a lovely family lunch

we now have the luxury of going to the shops
this is something I think should really stop
as if there isn’t enough time during the week
this is some anti family plot
we really should defeat


I am the youngest of eight, that's all I am gonna say about that

posted fb

#17 A Bond So Strong

My sister is five years older than me
I was that annoying baby sister
That always got into trouble
Whatever I done she would get the blame
I walked around nonchalant
Not realising what a burden I was
For me, every situation was an adventure
For her, every situation was
A beating waiting to happen
The day all this changed
Was when she was twelve
There was a terrible accident
That much I could gather
The adults would spoke in whispered huddles
I knew something was wrong
My aunt tried to distract me
By offering me cakes and biscuits
I was on to her although these treats were nice
A  motorbike had run her over
That’s all I heard
I knew I had to get to her
It was only right
She always looked out for me
This was my chance to tip the scale
They said I couldn’t see her
I got into blinding rage
I broke a few of my Aunts best China plates
The cabinet door still hangs off its hinge
How dare they keep her away from me
Don’t they know of this sisterly bond?
Don’t they know she’s always got my back?
Don’t they know whatever happens
She has always been there for me
At seven I had no idea what I thought I could do
The details doesn’t matter
I cried and screamed I gave myself a headache
I still get headaches
Just thinking about it now,
Do not underestimate this Sisterly Bond

To keep us a  part is wrong so wrong!

If we could see into the future

posted Fb

#186 What The Future Holds

He said I wasn’t listening
He said I didn’t care
I was like all those others
Who simply were not aware

I was listening
Maybe listening too much
Conversations were disjoint
Still very much out of touch

He said I needed to be careful
There were things he could see
He said it wasn’t looking good
For you and me

I asked him what he knew
Where he was getting these things
He could not disclose
But he meant everything

I wanted to ignore him
But what if he was right
What he had foreseen
Happened here tonight

Would I listen to him in the future
Maybe proving
That what he knew was right
Or was this just the ramblings
Of someone travelling too near to the light

I wanted to reach out
Tell him everything would be alright
What he had predicted for me
Was not going to happen tonight

But I couldn’t be sure
Doubt had set in
Wasn’t sure if I was coming or going
Now not sure where I had been

So he had won
With his twisted talk
Making me look behind
Whenever I walked

Saturday, 30 August 2014

So That's why Black Men keep getting shot.

In Prison.  I would like to say I have never been to prison, but that would be a lie and that is something I won't do is lie.  I could say I was a Political Prisoner well for 2 and 1/2 days doesn't sound like much but it was long enough to decide I didn't like it and don't want to go there again.  How you use your time in every day life is important .  As a nation of people we waste so much time, we may as well be incarcerated, time wasted is time gone not to be repeated.  How much of you that is taken away? so much and more, your dignity, your home, your family, your purpose they do, they take your life.  I know it sounds dramatic let's just hope it doesn't happen to you.  How can you ensure this.  All you need is a few ill timed events, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, associating with the wrong people. Being Black and male is a good a reason as any it would seem to be locked up.  What came first the Prisons or the Prisoners.?

Once you are in there is no getting out.  You remember Shawshank Redemption and Red going up for parole year after year when he finally gave up hope they approved his parole.  Crazy or how about Andy swimming through all that excrement to be free could you do it? would you do it?

My only advise is try your best to avoid and any encountering s with the law.  I go out of my way to avoid all contact.  As far as if a crime is committed against me would I report it?  On the occasions when I have it has never gone that well apart from once when my phone got taken and the Sergeant took a shine to me and took me out for a night out.  Did they return my phone? was I compensated? do I feel safer ?  No!  I would go as far to say other than for the purpose of maybe an insurance claim I would avoid at all cost having anything do to with the Police.  For instance when the Racist repair men entered my home to carry out some work after the the sighting of mice.(eek get over it, it is London) .  They found some soiled papers from under behind  a kithcen draw where there was obvious mice activity and placed it in my kitchen draw and helped themsleves to £30 of my money.  On reporting this the officer suggested it was similar to receiving a dirty till receipt at M & S. Then would I complain about that?  It would be random so NO! I wouldn't .... I wanted to scream.

So Black Men getting shot by Police in America . What is going on? Is it the culling of a race?  Why are they all running? Why are they being shot? why are they always Black? Do we really all look alike?  This is narrowed minded on the Officer's part , after a trial in America where most Black Men will not even be able to follow the proceedings due to education being so damn expensive if they hadn't been excluded from an early age anyhow.  They would probably be convinced into accepting a 'Plea Bargain' and be served a long sentence which they wouldn't know how to go about appealing and end up languishing in jail.  Providing the Prison Officer, and staff, the Lawyer, judges and all the Court staff with employment.....

Monday, 25 August 2014

Working for the Government

posted fb 28th January  

#350 Working for the government

I work for the Government
sitting on the dole
I sign on fortnightly
I do as I am told

I really should be out there
raising up a fuss
but there are no jobs
as they have failed  all of us

I see people hustling
to make ends meet
there is less on the table
eating has become a treat

Our children may never work
this makes me sad
as I have experienced being useful
I don’t just mean being Mum and Dad

we wait for the old to move on
so we can take their seats
they are reluctant to sit down
they remain on their feet

how did it get so bad?
what has gone on?
it doesn’t matter who is in charge
they’ve all got it wrong!

The last Poem???

posted fb 2nd Feb 2014?

#365 Sunday

I love Sunday
say what you want
it isn’t like any other day

it ends the weekend
it starts the week
it is a day that can’t be beat

whether you spend all morning in bed
waiting patiently to be fed
there is something special about this day
that separates it from other days

some chose to go to church
some spend the day in front of the stove
waiting for the family to sit down
to a lovely family lunch

we now have the luxury of going to the shops
this is something I think should really stop
as if there isn’t enough time during the week
this is some anti family plot
we really should defeat