Sunday, 23 June 2013

Nina Simone The High Priestess of Soul!

Nina Simone, to this day she truly fascinates me.  Every time  I stumble across  a picture or a song I haven't heard.  Her style was effortless and uniquely hers.  She didn't just sing a song she felt a song.  The Fugees once refer to her as  'Defecating  the mic' I think i know what they meant.  She just tells it like it is.

There are so many songstress going around mimicking the sound these great Singers of long ago made.  When Billy Holiday sang she sang from a point of direct experience. That's what made it so powerful.  The music they made intrudes on your daily life, grabs you by the throat and it compels you to listen.

The era they made music in the Black race was experiencing such unjust atrocities.  Everyone knew someone who had been killed just for being black.

Experiences like that change you forever , also dictates what and how you sing.

Nina Simone sang in her most pained voice as I guess she had experienced a lot of pain

So when someone comments about a posting about her album named 'The High Priestess of Soul' . They casually say I have heard her music and it is more kind of Jazz ( I think you have lost the right to comment  I think it is only right for me to say.  'How dare you?!'

posted fb 19/06/13

#139 The High Priestess of Soul

Nina Simone
‘The High Priestess of soul’
She was so much more
She represents the struggle
Of our people at the time

Her music her voice
Commands attention
Whatever she sings
She makes it her own

I listen to her sounds
I know she was a troubled soul
She was aware of things going on
She knew the right from the wrong

She was persecuted
She was strong
Her memory lives on and on
Nina Simone
‘The High Priestess of Soul’

Saturday, 22 June 2013

I really don't hate Candy Crush

I wrote this on the train, as there are even more people lost in Candy Crush world.  Every day on the train the free paper The Metro is available, if they took their noses out of their various electronic gadgets.  I know the news is depressing but this is our world.  Even if we think we  can't do anything about it. That is no reason to disengage yourself.

posted  fb 20/06/13

#141 Half The World

Half the world are playing candy crush

While half the world are getting crushed

Half the world is dying

While half the world are sleeping

Half the world are starving

While half the world are obese

Half the world are sleeping

While half the world are standing

They are shifting the balance slowly

In their own way

So the question is

What are you doing today ?

Dumping ground for unwanted children

The Situation in children care homes they are worse than we ever thought.  It's like this little children are just there to be abused.  The recent stories of girls being groomed and children being brought into Brixton Police Station as Sex slaves is shocking.  These poor children who at first were abandoned then to be subjected to this systematic abuse.

So when women become pregnant and they feel it necessary to terminate or put the un planned unwanted child in care.  Every needs to think longer and harder about that option.

posted fb 22/06/13

#142  The Forgotten one

I am the remainder of a bad relationship
I am the leftover from a broken promise
I am the forgotten one
I am the one born out of passion
I am the one to not be loved
I am the one that will be rejected
I am the one not selected
I am the one waiting
For my time to come
It wasn’t my choice
I didn’t do anything wrong
Yet I will be punished
Forever for what went wrong

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Mixing Friendship and Business

It's a pet peeve of mine. Not everyone is business minded. So friends or so called friends who like to bring business into a friendship are simply screwing you over in the name of friendship. I if I wanted to do business I would walk into a shop or an office.

posted fb 15/06/13

#135 Friendship over Business

Friendship over business
When you enter into a friendship
Thats all there is
Someone you meet
Connect with
Help you through the thick and the thin

Then knock knock
Opportunity is at the door
They can make a bundle
Suddenly your friendship
Is not important anymore

They make the deal
They take your stash
Trading your friendship
For a bundle of cash

After that they can’t face you anymore
Knock knock
What’s that?
An old friendship

Laying by the door

Happy Father's Day

I hesitated coz it seemed mean to post this on Father's Day.  So I waited until nearly 10 pm .  That's my only compromise.  There are fathers out there they know who they are.  They are not around in the early years then when they get to pre  teens or some magical age they suddenly want to be in the child's life.  I don't get that. Then they have the audacity to get the same  aka laid as a Mother on Mother's day

posted  fb 16/06/13

#136 Happy Fathers day

For all those fathers
Sitting at home
Waiting for the card
Waiting for the call

With your spliff and your special brew
Where did you go wrong?
Why is it this celebration
Is not about you

For all the fathers who quit
Because those nappies was
A little too smelly
Then the fathers
Who wanted to focus
On  xbox and telly

For the fathers who never made
Parents evening
‘What they really need to see both of us?’
I’ve got runnings and things to do

For the fathers who missed
All those school plays
That just went on and on
I don’t need that fuss

For the fathers who never read the night time book
Never bathed the baby
Never rocked the cot
On one of those too many sleepless nights

Where is my present?
Where is my card?
Where are my flower’s?
Not even a phone call
Now I know how it must have felt like
This is so hard

What have I done to deserve this?
Whatever I done
Didn’t you understand
It wasn’t directed at you
Now it’s my time
For a Happy Father’s Day Rhyme

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Waiting to Die

When I posted this poem I felt I had to add a little footnote, as it were, it sounds so morbid and it is.  I felt it necessary to explain where the idea came about.  It was over seven years ago when I attended a creative writing course. Where one of the students who works in an residential home quoted something a resident said to her.  she said 'I never knew it would take so long to die'

posted fb11/06/13

#130 Didn’t Know it Would Take So Long

She said she was waiting
Didint’ know it would take so long
Said she has seen so much
Said she was tired
Doesn’t know where it went wrong
All she knew was she was waiting
Didn’t want to see anymore

Said she was waiting
Waiting her turn
As if it was a fairground ride
She said she has waiting
She has had the ups and downs
Remembers happier times
Time with family
Time with friends
Time with loved ones
Time well spent

Time gone
Not to be repeated again.
She said she was waiting
Been waiting all her life
Don't know why it was taking so long
As she said she was ready to die

Monday, 10 June 2013

We Owe it to the Children

On my daily travel after I have dropped my daughter school and I am half way home, I regularly see a mother and her three children, casually sauntering into school, at least 15 minutes after the bell has rung.  I want to say something to her, like hurry up.  I feel it isn’t my place as I don't know her.  I noticed today the girl lagging behind and looking very sad, imagine the shame of arriving into class every day 15 minutes late.  

posted fb 10/6/13

#129 Times it by Three

Late again
I am confused
Late again
There is something you are doing
That you have to lose

Late again
Late times three
Thats education missed
Not to be repeated

This is not a twitter account
It will not be retweeted

At the end you will ask why
Ask why ,
Why do you not even try

Do you think these rules do not apply
Someone is delusional
Someone is living in a lie

The authorities should be notified
Maybe there is more going on
That doesn't meet the eye
How difficult can it be?
All you have to do is get one ready

Then times it be three

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Share but please don't steal my work

As soon as I started sharing my poems on fb, I knew they were good, as people were concerned about the fact that others could steal my work.  I believe I have a message to convey, this is my message.  I just want my work to get out there.  Also my poems are from a very personal view point, my point is if you haven’t experienced it how can you claim it as your work,.  Every poem I have ever written I know the background behind it and how it took shape form and came about....

posted fb 08/06/13

#128 These are My Poems

You scripting writing whore
You take my words and make them yours
Is it that easy?
You take you take
I still produce more
You try to explain
What you were feeling
You are a parasite
You live off others
You have no feelings
You fabricate an explanation
Of how these words came about
Liar! liar! thats what I  will shout

Tell me how you wrote those words?
What came first
The hook?
The rhyme?
Or the verse?
What were you feeling
What pain were you going through?
What wound so deep
Scar so sore
Tell me tell me tell me more
These are symptoms of healing
They are not your words
They are not your rhymes
These are my poems
This is my life
I live and breathe poems
Both day and night
Put down your pen
Stand back from the mic
These are not your poems

They are mine

What if he Isn't The One???

This poem started as a muse about relationships, then went off on a tangent.  I am an artist I had to allow it to take it's natural course...

posted fb 07/06/13

#127 What if he isn’t the one

What if he isn’t the one
And we’ve made a mistake
Spent our whole life’s getting it wrong
What if today was the beginning
What if today was the end
Wouldn’t you want to know
You got something right
Not everything wrong
All that time singing the wrong song
Praising him when it should be she
After all she was the chosen one
She was the one bestowed
Selected from everyone else
For such an important task
Why her? this is the question
We should ask
She raised the son
Allowed him to become
All that he was able to become
Yet we praise and glorify his name
What if he missed the point
Oh what a shame

A lifetime praising the wrong name