Wednesday 28 August 2013

Helping others whilst helping yourself

whatever you do for someone is between you and that person.  Why do some people find it necessary to annouce all their good deeds, exposing that persons current predicament. which maybe they do not want broadcasted

Do we do things for others coz it makes us feel good or do we do things that just benefit the other person, because it is the right thing to do

posted 27/08/13

#208 Noisy Workers

A midst this confusion
and the noise we accept
as a working city
the louder it is the more work is being done
how about those who go about silently
with no accalaid
that this noise brings
some need the noise to continue on
others work in silence
they say empty barrels make most noise
who shouts the loudest deserve to be listened to
how about those who speak quietly
move silently
is their work not valid
are they not counted
I know I would rather move silently
a midst the confusion

we accept to be a working city

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